">http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n528/ravikumar25535/good-evening-scraps-2.jpg" border="0"/> Happiness is a perfume. You cannot spread on others without getting a few drops on urself. So always be happy and smile.">http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n528/ravikumar25535/6fa77b2dd0c04c4a26b9ea0f57c67b6e.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n528/ravikumar25535/13.gif" border="0"/> ">http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n528/ravikumar25535/12.gif" border="0"/>
hi ">http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n528/ravikumar25535/1.gif" border="0"/> PEOPLE COMPLICATE THINGS 2 MUCH. U mis sumone? Call. Wana meet? Invite. Wana b understud? Xplain urself. Hav questions ? Ask. Don lyk it ? Say it. Lyk it? State it. R u in a bad mood? Xpress it. Want sumthing? Ask in d best possible way 2 get a yes. If u already hav a "no",take d risk of gettin the "yes". V have jus 1 lyf. Let's b simple & happy! good morning have a nice day friend
A LoVeLy fAcT : nObOdY In dIs wOrLd.. cAn hAvE A CrYsTaL ClEaN HeArT... bCoZ EvErY OnE'S HeArT HaS SoMe bEaUtIfUl sCrAtChEs... gIvEn bY ThEiR dEaReSt" OnE... GuT MoRniNG DeAr FRIEND
good morning friend Happiness always looks small if u hold it in ur hands. But when u learn 2 share it, u will realize how big n precious it is smile always and Have a great day
PrObLeM WiTh tHe wOrD "lOvE" iS ThAt If a bOy uNdErStAnDs, GiRl dOeSn't.. & iF GiRl uNdErStAnDs, BoY DoEsN'T.. & If bOtH UnDeRsTaNd, ThE WoRlD DoEsN'T... hAvE MaRvElUs mOnDaY EvEnInG...
">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1967/1967509v0excw30rc.gif" border="0"/> mimo ">http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1967/1967509v0excw30rc.gif" border="0"/>