Thinking of you,
In times like these,
And your battle,
With this disease.
Thinking of you,
Suffering in pain,
Every day,
It’s so insane.
Thinking of you,
More than you know,
Because I care,
When you’re so low.
Thinking of you,
When times are tough,
You’re going through,
More than enough.
Thinking of you,
More than old friends,
And this battle,
That never ends…
Smile increases value of face, Anger spoils beauty of soul, Faith is force of life, Confidence is companion of success, So keep smiling. gOOd mOrning
hellow zehra gud mrng! wAz upP
You can play ball with a friend,
You can call a friend,
Share toys with a friend in a playroom.
You can sleep over with a friend
You can find clovers with a friend
Share a book in a school.
You can teach a friend
You can vote with a friend
In a gym.
So be a good friend
To the very end!
And many friends you will have.
Cool friends are okay.
Nice friends are good.
Happy friends are the best.
Loving friends have much tenderness.
But, true friends are terrific!
See, it does not matter
What you look like
Or what you think.
What counts is what's on the inside.
G¤¤D n¡ghT My $¡$ Hv a $w€€t
G¤¤D n¡ghT My $¡$ Hv a $w€€t
all well ya..going gud..gud nit yar
acha ji,am well,n u? howz ur studies going on?